the MEMBER BEfore You Is.....
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 6:10 pm
Describe the member before you ....
Don't be obviously insulting
Green is acceptable
Be Creative
Limit the description to the member only and not to his relatives and family
Be Hilarious
Be Eloquent ( in any language and vernacular that you can possible imagine long its not Klingon, Vulcan, Romulian, or language not invented by HOMO Sapiens ... Binary Code and HEx code is acceptable )
Then post your pic for the other members to describe you ( At your own risk )
I'll start
Don't be obviously insulting
Green is acceptable
Be Creative
Limit the description to the member only and not to his relatives and family
Be Hilarious
Be Eloquent ( in any language and vernacular that you can possible imagine long its not Klingon, Vulcan, Romulian, or language not invented by HOMO Sapiens ... Binary Code and HEx code is acceptable )
Then post your pic for the other members to describe you ( At your own risk )
I'll start